Old Design:

New Design:


The last site update was about 15 months ago and was kind of in need of a facelift. I had some aspirations to make it a lot cooler, but I can’t say I really pursued them much. For this update, I:

  • Stripped out all of the HTML, classes, and IDs (I used a lot of IDs back then) that seemed unnecessary and threw away my CSS entirely and started from scratch, more or less. I had been running a few components of Twitter Bootstrap 2 (typography, grid system, utilities), but 3 has come out since, so I generated a custom build including only the typography, code, and utilities components. Even for the last update, I don’t think I really needed the grid system, since I had a max-width and left-align anyways. Now, all I really have is this:
#pageContainer {
  max-width: 720px; /* surprisingly small to keep characters per line lower */
  width: 90%;
  margin: 0 auto;
  • And yeah, I didn’t customize anything. All those links, that Facebook-ish blue, are just the Bootstrap defaults. I was thinking about writing in Less, but my custom CSS is like 70 lines without it, so it’s not exactly warranted

  • Just by moving to Bootstrap 3 and re-writing my CSS cut down my unminified CSS from 11.7KB to 4.0KB (new compared to old)

  • Then, I added a Grunt build step to concat and minify CSS, as well as optimize images, to be manually run prior to a jekyll serve. Using grunt-cssmin got my CSS down to 3.3KB (newer)

  • I also added grunt-imagemin to my build step to optimize the handful of images that have been added over time. (Addy Osmani had a great post on different tools that facilitate better practices concerning web images here.) I was able to shave about 30% on average off of the png screenshots I was just taking on my computer. It was literally as simple as:

npm install grunt-contrib-imagemin --save-dev

  imagemin: {                          // Task
    dynamic: {                         // Another target
      files: [{
        expand: true,                  // Enable dynamic expansion
        cwd: 'imgs/uncompressed/',     // Src matches are relative to this path
        src: ['**/*.{png,jpg,gif}'],   // Actual patterns to match
        dest: 'imgs/'                  // Destination path prefix
  • Added Disqus comments to posts, even though I’m kind of scared if people might actually start commenting. That was dead simple/straightforward as registering the site with Disqus and copy/pasting a div and script into my post template